Take Back Your Time.
Get Back Your Life.

Work Less, Make More & Finally Get The Freedom You Deserve.

Let's do it!

Are you tired of feeling...

  • Constantly overwhelmed and stressed out?

  • Always busy, with nothing but a small bank account to show for it?

  • Exhausted from trying to do too many things?

  • ​Disappointed you can’t focus without switching to another idea or activity?

  • Confused about what’s the best, most profitable use of your time?

  • Ashamed by how much time you waste on social media?

  • Like there’s no fun in your life?

  • Frustrated by constant interruptions?

  • Defeated because you put other people’s needs ahead of your own?

  • Lazy and weak when you rest — thinking you should be doing something more productive?

  • Like you’re missing out on precious time with the people you love?

  • Depleted because your mind never turns off from work?


Not Alone.

If you’re constantly drained, distracted, and overstretched — it’s not your fault. Millions of smart, hard-working people have gotten sucked into a toxic and soul-crushing nightmare I call the “Time Stress Trap.” Constantly scrambling, scattered, and exhausted, but never seeming to get anything significant done.

But here’s the problem...

The solution isn’t trying to get more done, it’s about embracing a NEW PARADIGM that focuses on getting the right things done while blissfully ignoring the rest.

It’s no secret most people are drowning in overwhelm, distractions, and interruptions. If you’re not getting the joy or financial results you want, doing the same ineffective things over and over again isn’t the answer.

Ordinary habits around time and focus won’t ever create a rich, extraordinary life — especially now.

Living the FREEDOM-RICH LIFE you want requires you to think, plan, and behave differently.

Energy and attention management is a required skill to be effective, profitable, and sane in the modern world. I know this because, as the original “multipassionate entrepreneur,” learning how to effectively manage my energy and attention has helped me:

Let me be clear.

I’m not superwoman. I’ve got ADHD, mouths to feed, laundry to do, health to manage, relationships to nurture, and I battle fears, doubts, and competing demands, just like you. So I’ve had to figure out a reliable system in order to not drive myself into the ground.

My secret?

I start every day knowing exactly what to focus on and what to ignore. I know precisely what produces the highest ROI in terms of profit, impact, and happiness. That clarity has created results beyond what I could have ever imagined. Even better, I’m never locked into a rigid cage as my energy and goals change — because this new “time paradigm” I’ve developed provides both structure and flexibility.

Over the years, I’ve had the honor of helping millions of people reach their personal and professional dreams. But here’s what’s scary...

Even the most brilliant people get derailed because they’re TRAPPED in a toxic & dysfunctional relationship with time!

Which is why I wanted to help. I sat down and documented my entire process and all I Iearned over two decades. The result is a fail-proof and flexible system that shows you step-by-step how to take back control of your time, wealth, and life — while rejecting the “Time Stress Trap” most of the world is caught in.

Because using your time wisely is the critical difference between a life of joy, meaning, and accomplishment... and one that’s full of stress, exhaustion, and “never-enoughness.”

Start every day feeling clear, energized, and focused.

Yes, you can achieve your dreams and have a rewarding life too — without feeling constantly scattered, stressed, and exhausted.

This could be you...

...in less time than it takes to binge-watch your favorite show (and with infinitely better ROI).


Time Genius®


Time Genius is a live virtual experience that will catapult your joy, focus, and accomplishment, FAST.

Yes, I'm Ready!

By the end of the program, you’ll be able to...

  • Set The Right Priorities

Write the book? Check. Anniversary trip? Check. Learn how to prioritize what matters — then let go of the rest, guilt-free.

  • 2-5X Your Creative Output

Get your most important work done faster than ever... and STILL have the hours and energy left to write, paint, play, dream, cook, and spend quality time with loved ones.

  • Banish Procrastination, Distractions & Toxic Guilt

No more getting distracted by YouTube, dishes, Instagram, texts. You’ll learn how to sit down, turn on your focus, and “get in flow” — on command.

  • Skyrocket Energy & Joy

More time means nothing if you’re exhausted. Discover your own personal well of untapped energy so you can easily accomplish everything you want... and then get to relax and enjoy it.

Success Story!

"Our bank account has grown exponentially. We have money flowing into our business at an unprecedented rate!"

Since Time Genius, I officially started a vacation rental management business and I'm rocking a real estate collaboration with my husband. We moved into our ideal neighborhood that's biking/walking distance from preschool, the library, a food forest, the beach, and playgrounds. My little girls are helpful and happy, and I'm the most fulfilled I've EVER been.

We now have money flowing into our business and bank accounts at an unprecedented rate! I feel a huge relief that we're actually on our way to financial freedom. If I hadn't signed up for Time Genius, we would’ve stayed in survival mode. We'd have continued living paycheck-to-paycheck, rather than growing our wealth like we truly wanted. Instead, our bank account has grown exponentially.

This is my second time watching the lessons and completing the Fun Sheets, and I keep gleaning the gold, implementing the tools, and improving my strategies. Grateful doesn't even begin to express how I feel.


Vacation Rental Co-Host & Manager
Florida, USA

The Time Genius® Curriculum

Time Genius will give you the mindset and methods you need to experience more joy and meaningful accomplishment.


Escape The “Time Stress Trap”

Get off the struggle bus and into the driver’s seat of your life.

In This Module You'll Learn:
  • The tiny language trick that makes you 8X more effective in dropping bad habits and adopting new, healthier ones.

  • The “blank canvas” approach for turning the life you have into the life you want.

  • The #1 skill to go from time-crunched to time-rich.

  • ​My four-word mantra to help you to QUIT overwhelm for good.

  • How to unlearn our societal defaults of non-stop interruptions and 24/7/365 work.

  • ​The secret to making ease and freedom your new default setting.

  • ​​​Plus so much more!

“The content inside Time Genius is life-changing. I got my money's worth in the first lesson.”


Leadership Coach
New York, USA


Know What’s Important, Ignore What’s Not

Get clear on exactly what moves the needle in your life.

In This Module You'll Learn:
  • Three words that can help literally anyone skyrocket their results and focus.

  • The Simplify To Amplify Audit — a POWERFUL exercise that reveals which activities get you the BEST ROI for your time, energy, and creativity.

  • ​Why the things you’re NOT working on are even more important than what you ARE.

  • The difference between dreams, goals, and habits — and how to know where to focus your time and attention.

  • How to feel great about saying “NO.”

  • A behind-the-scenes peek into exactly how I organize my yearly goals and everyday tasks.

  • ​The secret to being a Time Genius when you’re “in the trenches.”

  • My 3-step process for clarifying what matters most.

  • ​​​Plus so much more!

“Thanks to Time Genius I now have a fresh 20 hours (that's right, 20 HOURS, the equivalent of a part-time job!) of focus time. I am loving the flow of my life now.”

After 42 years living with undiagnosed ADHD and drowning in life, Marie has shown me another way to live.

I now have time for prayer/meditation/exercise/morning pages/study, and discovered a fresh 20 hours (that's right, 20 HOURS, the equivalent of a part-time job!) of focus time that I can dedicate to finally starting my online ministry and be of true service in the world.

I am LOVING the flow of my life. I have time for EVERYTHING. This training has saved me from years of insanity, overwhelm, misery, resentment, and unfulfillment. I can honestly say it is one of the best investments I've made in myself.


Make Your Success Inevitable

The non-negotiable rules that put you in a position to win, every day.

In This Module You'll Learn:
  • The 4-minute evening habit used by the world’s most successful people to virtually guarantee high-performance.

  • ​The “White Space Rule” that ensures you have free time every. single. day.

  • ​How to solve for problems and distractions before they happen.

  • ​​How to turn on your creative flow, even when you don’t feel like it.

  • ​​How to identify your unique pitfalls, strengths, and needs into a fully flexible productivity plan.

  • How to live distraction-free and get laser-focused on command.

  • ​​How to design your ideal environment to optimize your performance.

  • ​​​Plus so much more!

“I finished my novel in two weeks while I was doing Time Genius.”

I took this course to implement a daily writing habit, which is essential to my success as a novel writer. I had a serious issue with procrastination and blowing through deadlines. There was no joy and it was not sustainable.

Since I implemented the Time Genius tools, I finished my novel on time. I wrote it in two weeks — and I did it with joy! I also signed up for singing lessons because now I have the time to do them.

The tools are simple and straightforward to understand but OMG they are so powerful.


Author, The Haunting of Sunshine House and The Creek Killer
California, USA


Get It All Done, Joyfully

Replace stress, exhaustion, and self-sabotage with ease, achievement, and passion.

In This Module You'll Learn:
  • Your Focus Checklist: exactly what you need to do before you sit down to work.

  • How to stay calm, clear, and energized even on your busiest days.

  • ​Why hope is sabotaging your success.

  • How to create your own joyful and achievable morning routine.

  • How to handle tech meltdowns, dog vomit, and other "fun surprises" without derailing your entire day.

  • The pre-work ritual that unleashes your genius.

  • ​5 Power Questions to help you stay sharp, focused, and quickly get back on track.

  • ​​Better than RedBull — boost your energy and focus in 5-minutes flat.

  • ​​​Plus so much more!

“My morning routine has me giggling as I get out of bed.”

As a result of Time Genius, I have built new habits, opened unknown reserves of energy, and feel significantly happier! My morning routine is robust and has me giggling as I get out of bed. My husband has been blown away by my mood, my energy, and the work I'm getting done. I feel like a new person.

I've studied a lot of time management systems and task management systems and business approaches, and this one leaves the others in the dust.


Vermont, USA


Stay Motivated, Consistent, & Inspired — Long Term

Willpower runs out. Master the one force that never does.

In This Module You'll Learn:
  • How to turn “wasted time” into the most productive time of the week.

  • ​The “unsexy” habit that makes you virtually unstoppable.

  • How to activate the brain chemical that triggers exponential growth, every day.

  • ​The daily habit that will supercharge your motivation.

  • ​The biggest mistake people make when trying to stick to a schedule — and how to avoid that trap yourself.

  • ​How to make your schedule a springboard for inspiration, not a straitjacket.

  • The “Airplane Secret” to staying on track, even when things don’t go according to plan.

  • How to master your motivation to create unstoppable momentum toward your dreams.

  • ​​​Plus so much more!

“Marie’s Success Plan alone boosted my productivity by 200%.”

I felt like I’d be overwhelmed and stressed for the rest of my life because this is just “how the world works.” I was anxious and had really poor sleep that made me even more tired in the morning. I'm only 26 and I thought, “This can't be my life already.”

Last week I had the best sleep in two years. I finally got clear on my priorities and I said no to extra responsibilities in my job, for the first time in my life. I'm not staying up late and I woke up earlier than I used to. Every day, I do yoga in the morning instead of checking my phone. I write my success plan and this alone boosted my productivity by 200%.

I no longer work until 8 PM. I have time for my partner, my soul project, and I've read 3 books in 2 weeks. I feel like the girl I used to be in high school (and I really missed her). Happy, creative, and determined to pursue my dreams. It's been a long time since I was happy, rested, and enjoying my life.

Life begins the moment you become a Time Genius. You can't put a price tag on this life-changing program.


Leadership Coach
New York, USA

Choose the Time Genius Plan That's Right for You

100% Money Back Guarantee

“Time Genius is the equivalent of someone saying to you ‘Give me $30 and I’ll give you back $10,000.’ I gave my time to the course, and I’ve received the priceless gift of a better-run day — every day — for the rest of my life. The money and time spent are the best investment I ever made towards living the life I always wanted.”

Andrea Whitelaw

Verified Purchase

You Might Have Seen Me On
Forbes logo.The New York Times logo.The Today Show logo.The Oprah Winfrey Show logo.

Time Genius® Is a LIVE Virtual Experience

Ever wish I’d just show up at your house to help you sit down, focus, and get it done? Get ready, because I’m already here knocking on your door...

Time Genius is designed to be a fully immersive experience so that you don’t just learn the material, but live it.

Beyond the 5 core training Modules, you’ll get live video group coaching with me, plus support from a team of expert Mentor Coaches to help guide you throughout the program.

...With Lifetime Access! 👏🥳

Like going to a life-changing seminar, Time Genius is designed to get you taking action and seeing results right away. But unlike a seminar, you can come back to the material again and again as the stages and seasons of your life change.

By joining us for Time Genius today, you'll get the core training modules, advanced bonuses, and Fun Sheets — yours to keep forever. Plus, as a Time Genius graduate, you’ll have the option to attend future live coaching with Marie and the Time Genius Mentors at an exclusive, alumni-only rate.  

4 Advanced Bonus Trainings — FREE


Blissful Boundaries: Saying No With Zero Guilt


Everything you say YES to means you’re saying NO to something else. A true Time Genius knows exactly when — and how — to say no. You’ll get 27 word-for-word scripts to turn down everything from PTA meetings to family obligations to poorly-paid projects... all with compassion and class. It’s time to give yourself permission to stop trying to do it all. Because when you say yes to less, you’re actually getting more.

VALUE: $377
  • FREE — Included with Time Genius!

Time Genius for Parents: More Meaning and Less Crazy-Making at Home


2am wakeups, snow days, tantrums right before work... no schedule on earth can prepare you for the unpredictability of life with kids. But a few small habits and techniques can make your life easier, more peaceful, and yes, productive! Because you should NOT have to sacrifice meaningful time with your kids to pursue your goals and dreams. Time Geniuses get to have BOTH!

VALUE: $997
  • FREE — Included with Time Genius!

Time Genius Tapping Collection


Did you know that studies show a simple, free practice called “EFT tapping” can reduce stress in a matter of minutes? You’ll get three exclusive 7-minute downloadable meditations to quickly get you on track:

  • Tapping For Laser-Like Focus

  • Tapping to Beat Procrastination

  • Tapping To “Turn Off” From Work

VALUE: $127
  • FREE — Included with Time Genius!


The Follow-Through Formula


Stop the madness of a dozen half-finished projects. With the help of The Follow-Through Formula, you’ll learn the exact strategies to get more done than you ever thought possible. Get instant access to this productivity course as soon as you register.

Value $297

FREE – Included with Time Genius!

“HANDS DOWN the most helpful productivity course I have EVER taken. I feel like I have more planned in the last 15 minutes than I have in the last 6 months.”

- Danielle Fryer

100% Money-Back Guarantee!

If you don't love Time Genius, just email us with your completed coursework before midnight on Day 2 of the live experience. We’ll refund you, in full. No gimmicks, no “cancellation fees.”

Please note: If you don’t submit your completed coursework by September 24, 2024 at 11:59pm Eastern U.S. time, no refund will be issued. This also applies to payment plans, which means you’ll be responsible for all payments after September 24, 2024.

Thousands Have Skyrocketed their Energy, Joy, & Profits


“It’s paid off 10x already. I wish I had this years ago, I know I would already be at multiple 7-figures.”

I’ve rearranged my entire workweek. I’m setting and sticking to boundaries around client hours and access to me. I’ve raised my rates and I’m set to 4x them. As a result, I’ve created 4 new programs that I’m super excited about.

I’ve been working toward these goals for over a decade and I was beginning to feel like maybe I just can’t do it. I have Complex PTSD and even with all of the healing support I’ve had, I still struggled mightily in this area, and Time Genius has been the answer.

This is the ONE course that you NEED. I wish I had this 10 years ago, I know I would already be at multiple 7-figures.


Psychotherapist, Coach, Teacher & Writer
Pennsylvania, USA

“If I didn’t get a grip on my overwhelm, I felt that I would die of a stress-related illness.”

I've always felt that I could handle "more" than the average person. More responsibility, more stress, more, more, more. As I've gotten older, things have changed. I feeeeeeel stress in my body. The anxiety has dominated. I've started to lose my hair.

If I didn't get a grip on my overwhelm, I felt that I would die of a stress-related illness in the future. I knew the way I was living was an issue but I didn't know where to start to fix it.

Time Genius was so much more than a time management program. It opened my eyes to destructive behaviors and thought patterns that have been holding me back and preventing me from living my life the way that I really want to. I feel like I've freed up brain space and bandwidth.

I'm a people pleaser and I've always gone out of my way to make sure everybody else was comfy and cozy before turning attention to myself. By the time I got to myself, I had nothing left to give. I feel like I was abusing myself in a way, that I was telling myself through actions that I didn't matter as much as other people did. I realize now that that's not true.

I wish everyone knew that life doesn't have to be a series of "have-tos" and drudgery.

Time Genius is a life-changing program that gives you the tools to make profoundly positive changes in your life. I have zero regrets. It would still be a good value/investment at 5x the price. THANK YOU!!


President, Eco-Tec, Inc.
Washington, USA

“I would have spent far more than the cost of this course to fix what I would have broken. The secret to life is in this course.”

Before I took Time Genius, I was heading straight for burnout, and I felt perilously close to some kind of breakdown. If I hadn't made the decision to invest in this course, my mental and physical health would have suffered intensely. I'm positive I would have spent far more than the cost of this course to fix what I would have broken.

I never felt like I had time to think like the owner of my business and not an employee. I never stepped back to look at the bigger picture. Since Time Genius, I raised my rates so that I can work less but maintain my income while I focus on big-picture projects that will move my business forward.

I don't just feel more in control of my time, I feel more in control of my LIFE. I couldn't put a price on that. I was hesitant to invest money in yet another time management course, and I'm SO glad I did. Time Genius is unlike anything else I've done in the past.

Other approaches address the symptoms, but not the underlying mindset that caused my time "disease" in the first place. Time Genius tackles the fundamental issues that keep you stuck. This course should be called “Life Genius.” I feel like the secret to life is in this course.


Colorado, USA

“My workdays are SO MUCH EASIER. My family got their mom back & I have guilt-free leisure time for the first time.”

My biggest struggle was running a growing team from home while my two very lively boys were at home. My health was shot, mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. My relationships with my family were under serious strain. Time Genius offered new ways of addressing the challenges that sent me to the mat.

I'm now getting up early religiously for some precious me-time. I exercise, meditate, journal, then work on my Time Genius fun sheets. All this before my kids get up and we start getting ready for school and work. I start my day feeling fantastic.

My workdays are SO MUCH EASIER. I cannot believe how much better everything flows.

My family got their mom back. My ten-year-old and I have been able to go kick or throw a ball. My team at work gets a leader who is available to help them grow. I’m scheduling things with friends like Saturday walks or Friendsgiving brunch. My mom was in the hospital for a couple of days and I was able to be with her… without overwhelm.

It's been super fun to have guilt-free leisure time for the first time, and I'm 1000x clearer on my priorities. THANK YOU!

You will never ever want to go back to the old ways of doing things. Promise. 10/10 recommend. Your life will never be the same, in the best possible way.


Managing Producer, Bham Now
Alabama, USA

“My mornings are now like I injected them with STEROIDS.”

JOIN YESTERDAY. I’ve already asked my friends to consider it next time. I cannot stop raving, PLUS they’ve been noticing it in me BIG TIME.

I used to pride myself on sleeping 4 hours and still being able to function, saying “I will sleep in heaven.” Now, I’m averaging 6 to 7 hours every night while gunning for 8. I’m finding I’m more tolerant of people too. I mean, it’s not like Marie gave us a masterclass in kindness and compassion, but my meter for both shot all the way up. I’m almost confused!

My mornings are now like I injected them with STEROIDSSSSSS. Today is Wednesday and I’ve achieved SO MUCH I keep wondering why and how it isn't already the weekend. My husband came in yesterday and I had rearranged and further decluttered my home, especially our bedroom. And he said, “It’s like Marie’s teaching you space management, too!” Haha.

I’ve even planned my birthday in advance. I’m gifting my friends a WEEKEND OF NO SCREENS and DISTRACTIONS in an Airbnb that’s far from the centre of town. We can enjoy a distraction-free time of rest, fun, play, and fellowship. I love what I am modeling to them, and I hope they can start to emulate it, too. Like one of the reviews said... It’s not just TIME GENIUS but LIFE GENIUS.



“I've written over 20,000 words, four short stories, edited a full manuscript, AND began batch-filming my Youtube Channel!”

I’ve never signed up for anything so fast. In the short amount of time since doing Time Genius, I edited a full manuscript, written four short stories, AND began batch filming my Youtube Channel, something I've always wanted to do but thought I didn't have time for! Oh, and I started to meal prep and plan again.

But truly, the biggest day-to-day change has been my mood. I feel like I'm coming alive again. I feel like I'm getting back in touch with five-year-old me who loved nothing more than to go to her room, dump all her toys on the floor, and play make-believe for hours.

For months, I hadn’t been writing. I felt like a little seedling stuck in the mud while everyone around me bloomed. But after Time Genius? I've written over 20,000 words!

I have never been more satisfied and amazed with a program in my life.


Author & Editor
Pennsylvania, USA

“I have completely transformed my life. My doctor says my stress is down 40%!”

I was totally stressed out and my doctor was about to put me on sick leave. I was about to file for divorce and I felt bone-tired, sad and yes ;) quite a bit sorry for myself.

I have completely transformed my life. I started exercising first thing in the morning as part of my daily Success Plan. My doctor says my stress is down by 40%, my husband loves the new me and is being way more supportive. All because I am taking care of myself first, being honest about what is important to me, and being kinder to the people around me!

These changes mean I can now gain my health back and start to make real progress in my life. Now I can truly see a real path to a fulfilled life without stress. Today I got my newsletter and mini podcast done before 10AM - in two languages! I sleep through the night. My husband and I now have had some seriously loving talks and have found our way back to our love. Oh, and I scheduled a spa date with a friend I haven't seen for a year. I dropped my ridiculous phone addiction, too. I'm not perfect but my pickups and usage time are down by about 90%!!!!!

I feel in charge of my life now. That has changed everything. I feel more alive. I take my time to be in my life. I feel like such a peaceful, powerful woman now.


Psychologist & Expressive Art Psychotherapy

“I solved a multi-year, marriage-damaging problem in a single day. I feel solid for the first time in my life.”

I used to start every day knowing there were one or two big things I needed to tackle, but would end the day with them un-tackled. I kept trying to "clear the decks," but by the time I got to them, I was too tired to think and work. I always had a vague uneasiness that I was letting my important stuff slip through my fingers.

Over the two weeks that I've been doing Time Genius, I and everyone in my sphere have benefitted. I solved a multi-year, marriage-damaging problem in a single day. I reclaimed over an hour every day by getting rid of distractions, and I used that time to get to bed on time consistently for the first time in my life.

I feel like all my disparate pieces have fused back together. I feel solid in a way I haven't *ever* — literally for the first time in my life.

DO IT. It has been the best use of my time, money, and energy. Bar-none, it is the best course/workshop/webinar I've taken in decades. It will have positive ramifications for every part of your life. You DO have the time to fit this in, even if right now you feel like you have no time at all, and the community support is tremendous. In addition, the structure is super easy to follow and refer back to.

Time Genius isn't about giving things up or learning an exhausting new system, it's about a new mentality that actually makes life easier almost immediately. There are positive benefits from literally day one.


Voice Actress
Minnesota, USA

“I’ve found myself with too much spare time — out of nowhere. And I’m a single mom with two young kids!”

By living in the Time Genius world I do less but get even more done than before. It’s absolutely amazing!

When I decided to enroll in Time Genius I was working overtime at a demanding job and raising two young kids as a single mom. It was a vicious circle of trying to cover everything, giving my best, and never feeling enough. I didn’t see an end in sight.

Time Genius kicked in right from the first lesson. I’ve found myself with too much spare time out of nowhere to use for my second project and exercise.

My temper has improved so much and I don’t have a short fuse anymore because I’m not stressed out. My kids and I spend way more quality time together and fight less. I am not only physically there, but really present, not thinking of all the things I still need to do. My little son even noticed it and said this morning, "Mummy, this was such a nice morning today. We had so much fun! I wish it to be like that every day!"

Time Genius is not a one-time programme but a once-in-a-lifetime programme, which will stick with you and be your companion for the rest of your life.


“My creativity is flowing again and my brain no longer feels like the size of a raisin because of all the stress! It's like I can finally exhale.”

After leaving my soul-sucking day job at the beginning of the year to work full-time in my business, healing from burnout and struggling to cope with chronic stress, I felt like I'd forgotten who I was. It was like my inner light had gone out! I couldn't focus and my well of creativity and inspiration had dried up. I always felt "busy," but wasn't making any real progress on my dreams.

With Time Genius, I got crystal clear on where I need to focus my time and energy in this season of my life. And with my new morning routine, removing distractions, and scheduling focus blocks, I'm getting my most important work done joyfully — and in way less time. My creativity is flowing again and my brain no longer feels like the size of a raisin because of all the stress! It's like I can finally exhale.

I'm so grateful for this experience. I learned incredible new habits to focus, get it all done, and stay inspired, but really, Time Genius brought me back home to myself. If living a life of peace, meaning and fulfillment is important to you, then trust that Time Genius is one of the best investments you'll ever make. It will change your life.


Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Founder of Prana + Patchouli
United Kingdom

“I’m not Zombie Mom by 6 pm. The delight on my daughter’s face is all I need to know that I am never going back.”

I signed up for Time Genius because I was starting to lose hope that my life could be any better than it was. I was beginning to accept that I would always be overwhelmed, rushing out the door five minutes late, hair barely dry, wrangling the kids into the car, frazzled, and in a constant state of overwhelm.

Every morning I woke up with a jolt at 3am with racing thoughts of everything I needed to do. I felt behind the moment I woke up. I worked all of my waking hours (and collapsed into bed to power sleep) yet wasn’t moving any closer to my goals.  

When my kids said, “Mommy, you can bring your work to the park,” that shook me up. I had become a poor role model for my kids. I remember the moment I asked the universe for help: “I want to learn how to take care of myself like I take care of others.” Then I watched Marie’s video about Time Genius, and I signed up.

Time Genius came into my life right at my breaking point, and it changed my life.

I’m not waking up with a stress-inducing litany of thoughts! I’m sleeping at 3am! At 5:30 I wake up and start my morning routine. I feel like I’m at a spa (I know that sounds ridiculous) every morning because of the soul-restoring sense of self-care and self-prioritization with which I start my day.  

My two kids aren’t saying to bring my work with me anymore. We’ve been playing in the evening because I’m not Zombie Mom by 6 pm. The pure delight on my daughter’s face is all the reinforcement I need to know that I am never going back to the land of Time Stress.

My husband looks at me with profound relief. The me that he fell in love with — the girl who would hop on a four-wheeler and go fishing or camping, the goofy girl who could always crack him up, the girl who used to experiment with all sorts of creative work — she was back. Thanks to Time Genius, I found my way through decades of overwork and have blossomed again.

For the rest of my life, I want to carry with me these tools from Time Genius so that when hard things come up, I have a toolbox to help me navigate life with grace. There is life before Time Genius and a beautiful, peaceful, and empowering life after.

You have given me back my life. Time Genius has altered the course of our family story. My kids will not inherit the culture of overworking that has been handed down to me. I am more grateful than you know.


Owner, The Islander Bookshop
Alaska, USA

“I saw results from just ONE exercise almost overnight! My partner and I got so much work done last week that we actually took the whole day off to just spend with each other, completely guilt free!”

I was feeling scattered. None of my business ideas were gaining traction. The stress I felt was actively stopping my creativity but I hadn't noticed because I had been in that state for so long.

Thanks to Time Genius, instead of running around every morning trying to get ready for the day, the day is now ready for me. I’m getting more done, have found time to exercise and am making progress on writing my next class. In fact, my partner and I got so much work done last week that we actually took the whole day off to just spend with each other, completely guilt free!

Before Time Genius I thought my business goals wouldn’t be achievable for 3-5 years. But now I see I can cut that time down to 1 year with these techniques! The information is immediately actionable and I saw results from just ONE exercise almost overnight! I love how fast I saw the changes, even on the first day.

— Christine Estrema Sun

Biomedical Researcher
Austin, TX

“72 hrs this week, RECLAIMED!”

Before the end of my second focus block this morning, I had completed my scheduled/important work for today… tomorrow… and the next day! I expected to be doing this over the weekend. Instead I got 3 days back! 72 hrs this week, RECLAIMED! SWEET RELIEF! Thank you, Marie & Team Forleo!

— Kenda Donahue

Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, Yoga Teacher & Doula
Colorado, USA

“Stop searching for the perfect planner, app, or mastermind group. Time Genius is worth the investment from day one.”

As a new mom and CEO, I felt like a Stretch Armstrong, being torn in too many directions — exhausted, anxious, and weighed down by guilt, and lacking clarity for a path forward.

Time Genius changed my mindset. I finally gave myself permission to own what was most important in this season: my well-being after recovering from postpartum anxiety. I've started practices that support my nutrition, movement, sleep, and stress management that are actually becoming habits, when I never could get them to stick in the past. That momentum continued - I recruited new board members and launched a new fundraising campaign for my org, all with a sick baby home.

My physical and mental health have skyrocketed. I used to be the Convenience Queen when it came to food. Now, I've eaten more vegetables than I ever had in my adult life! I'm moving my body in ways that make me feel stronger and more vivacious. I've replaced busywork and pointless leisure time for focus blocks and soul-filling down time. I have a new lease on life.

As a mom, I'm more creative, patient, and emotionally available. I’m a more present partner. As a leader, I have tools to address burnout in our team, which helps them feel seen and motivated. My relationship with myself is kinder.

I've got my joie de vivre back after dreading it was drained for good! I enjoy the creativity of shaping time around my priorities instead of feeling doomed with overwhelm. I feel like singing ‘I'm every woman, it's all in me!’ every day. :)

Stop searching for the perfect planner, app, or mastermind group. Time Genius brings together the best scientific and physiological lessons, a mind-blowingly supportive environment, and manageable habits to practice, so you can wave good-bye to hustle culture. It's worth the investment from day one.

— Clare Bresnahan English

Nonprofit Executive
Washington, DC

Let's Sum It Up —


The Core Time Genius® System

A fail-proof and flexible system that shows you step-by-step how to take back control of your time, energy, and attention.

($5,997 VALUE)

4 Advanced Bonus Trainings

These checklists, scripts, exercises, audio trainings, and ready-to-use resources will solve your most common pain points around time and set you up for massive momentum and long-term success.

($1,798 VALUE)

Time Genius Mentor Coaches

Bring us your challenges and revelations. Get clarity on any lingering questions, and ensure that your most important projects move ahead.

($4,897 VALUE)

Live Group Coaching with Marie

While most people can’t hire Marie to be their coach (speaking rates start at $30,000 for a 20-minute keynote), when you join Time Genius you’ll get exclusive access to live sessions with Marie where she’ll take your questions and help you build a life around what’s most important.

($9,000 VALUE)

Total Time Genius Investment Only $1,497

Choose the Time Genius Plan That's Right for You

100% Money Back Guarantee

“If you're ever caught saying 'I don't have enough time,' Time Genius is your ticket. Seriously, it's a game-changer. It's time to stop postponing your dreams and start living them.”

Jennifer Held

Verified Purchase

Who Time Genius Is For... and Not For

  • Let small decisions keep you stuck rather than dive in, get messy, and do the work.

  • Are highly offendable — if you’re going to clutch your pearls and gasp in horror hearing words like “clusterfuck” or “shitstorm,” let us lovingly part ways now.

  • Are unwilling to take responsibility for your own thoughts, feelings, and actions.

  • ​Refuse to embrace the fact that you’re 100% in charge of your energy, time, and attention.

  • Won't even try a strategy I suggest because I don't have 9 toddlers, a 3-legged blind dog, or fill in the blank with your specific circumstance.

Most important, if you can only learn with people whose exact age, gender, race, ethnicity, health situation, life situation, and background perfectly and precisely mirror your own, please do not join us.


Creatives, entrepreneurs, employees, and ambitious go-getters who wear many hats, have more great ideas than time to take advantage of them, and who sense that there’s something seriously wrong with their current relationship with time.

It’s for independent thinkers and growth-minded individuals who enjoy candid conversations and plain-spoken truths. If you’re ready to stop the madness and finally take back control of your time, attention, and life — Time Genius was made for you.  

What are your DREAMS worth to you?

A colleague recently confessed that she’d happily pay one hundred thousand dollars to have the time and space to finish the book she’s dreamed of writing her entire life. That’s how valuable her dreams are to her.

  • Slashed 20 hrs from your work week — while still earning significantly more.

  • Finally finished writing the book you’ve been working on.

  • Earned what you’re worth so you can take proper care of your parents, children, and pets.

  • ​Spent true quality time with your family… without the chaos.

  • ​Exercised consistently and have more energy than you’ve ever had in your life.

  • ​Learned tennis, photography, gardening, dance, or a second language — without the guilt of spending money and time on yourself.

  • ​Read, journaled, and meditated daily.

  • ​Traveled the world, took your kids on a road trip, and checked Paris off your bucket list.

  • ​Done NOTHING — laid in the grass and stared at the clouds — completely at peace.

What would what those results be worth: $10,000… $25,000… $50,000 or more?

Your time is incredibly valuable and you’re running out of it. Unlike money, you can’t get more time. Time Genius will show you how to invest this precious asset to experience more joy and freedom than you can imagine.

Choose the Time Genius Plan That's Right for You

100% Money Back Guarantee

“This is by far the most impactful training program I have taken in my career. If you are feeling overwhelmed, over-stretched, demotivated, burnt out, and dreaming for more in life, then Time Genius is your solution! This is a must for any ambitious person who wants to take back their lives, and really experience lasting change. You cannot sign up soon enough.”

Elya Marie Parker

Verified Purchase

Endorsements from Respected Leaders

“She’s the thought leader for the next generation.”


“Marie Forleo — always the first to jump in and champion other women — is an inspiration to me.”


“Marie breaks down complex problems so they are easy to solve.”


Questions? Ask Away!

How long will I have access to the trainings?

Like going to a life-changing seminar, Time Genius is designed to get you taking action and seeing results right away. But unlike a seminar, you can come back to the material again and again as the stages and seasons of your life change. The core training modules, advanced bonuses, and Fun Sheets will be yours to keep forever.

Mentor Coaches will be active in the comments for the full two weeks of the live experience, from September 23rd - October 6th. Live sessions with Marie run the week of September 30th. Plus, as a Time Genius graduate, you’ll have the option to attend future live coaching with Marie and the Time Genius Mentors at an exclusive, alumni-only rate.

Will I speak with or get feedback directly from Marie?

While there will be Q+A with Marie during the October 1st - October 3rd live sessions, we can’t promise you’ll get direct feedback. She delivers her best advice and strategies, from over 20 years of experience, in the Time Genius core trainings and the live coaching sessions. We can’t guarantee individualized attention from Marie, as this is not a one-on-one coaching program. It’s a group learning experience.

In addition to the trainings, you’ll get even more support from our team of Time Genius Mentor Coaches during the 2-week live portion of the course. Use the comments section to ask questions and receive feedback from these hand-selected Mentor Coaches.

How can I fit Time Genius into my already packed schedule?

We’ve deliberately structured this program to be efficient and actionable. You'll learn techniques to immediately reclaim lost time and energy, allowing you to engage fully with the course material.

Investing just a few hours in Time Genius can save you countless hours in the long run. Our alumni consistently report AMAZING results like reclaiming 20+ hours a week, doubling their creative output, enjoying guilt-free time with loved ones, and eliminating stress-inducing activities.

Time Genius was designed to be easy-to-digest, without any fluff or filler. The more focus and dedication you put into it, the more you’ll get out of it.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes, if you don’t love Time Genius, email your completed Fun Sheets to support@marieforleo.com by 11:59pm Eastern U.S. time on Tuesday, September 24, 2024. We’ll be happy to issue you a refund. Please note that the deadline is firm and no refunds will be issued once the 3rd day of the training program begins.



When you look back on it all, are you going to wistfully remember the time you spent getting to “inbox zero?” Or long for the good old days of feeling inadequate comparing yourself on social media?

The next two weeks are going to pass no matter what. You can keep scrambling and living in survival mode — letting distractions, laundry, and everyone else’s demands keep you from making real progress on your dreams.

Or You Can

Stop the madness.

Right here, right now.

Your time is precious. Your dreams are important.
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Choose the Time Genius Plan That's Right for You

100% Money Back Guarantee

“Time Genius isn’t a scheduling program. It is not a couple of spreadsheets. It is a complete transformational shift to a better life — with practical tools to make it achievable, measurable and attainable. Truly.”

Chloë Le Pichon

Verified Purchase